Why curators should care about SOPA/PIPA Scoop.it | Veille_Curation_tendances | Scoop.it

"Today the Internet is going into a big battle to protect its historical model based on freedom, sharing and innovation. In protest against SOPA/PIPA, Wikipedia, Reddit and other sites will go dark for 24 hours."


More information :

- Softonic : http://onsoftware.softonic.fr/loi-sopa-imaginez-un-monde-sans-wikipedia-wordpress-ou-google

- RTBF (podcast) : http://www.rtbf.be/radio/podcast/player?id=1566703

- Mashable : http://mashable.com/2012/01/18/sopa-and-pipa-wont-stop-piracy/


Take action : https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/