00:30] Is COVID-19 Engineered?

- This virus has a high infectivity rate. When the virus meets your cell membrane, it’s able to infect the cell easily. It can infect people much easier than any other viruses.
- It is possible that the virus was engineered.
- We are so focused on the virus (the attacker) that we forget that we have a built-in immune system (the defender) available to us to protect us from harm.
- We need to think about how to take a systems approach to the body.
[06:45] Sweden Didn’t Shut Down
- Sixty million people got H1N1, and 60,000 people died.
- Six hundred thousand people die of heart disease in this country.
- We should be calling a state of emergency on obesity. However, cancer and obesity fuel big pharma – so it’s no wonder people are turning a blind eye.
- Why are we forcing everyone to a quarantine model? A minimal set of people are dying. The people who are dying are old or have immune problems.
- We should take the people who are immunocompromised and boost their immune systems.

[13:20] We Allowed This To Occur
- The only way out of this is decentralization.

[18:10] We Have An Infrastructure Problem
- There is a cocktail of poisons in our water and dirty air.

[26:45] What We Need To Do Now
- If we want to weaken the body, then we should be eating sugar and taking drugs from pharma.
- We need people to rise and fight.
- People are for diversity, yet they don’t want to include ingenious medicine.
- Liberals

[31:55] Petition: #FireFauci
- You can check out the petition here: https://shiva4senate.com/petition-fire-fauci/

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco