Toutes les entreprises de restauration et d’hôtellerie comptant +250 employés devraient avoir un #objectif en matière de #gaspillage #alimentaire et mesurer signaler et prendre des mesures d’ici 20... | RSE et Développement Durable |

All foodservice and hospitality companies with over 250 employees should have a food waste target in place and be measuring, reporting and taking action on food waste by 2026, according to a new industry action plan. Developed by WRAP, the Hospitality and Food Service (HaFS) sector Action Plan defines the steps companies must take to help to deliver the UK Food Waste Reduction Roadmap which sets out how the largest retailers, suppliers, and hospitality and food service companies will contribute towards the SDG 12.3 target of a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030.

Via EcoVadis