Wooing the Workers: Merkel Shifting Left to Boost Re-Election Chances - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International | Chronique des Droits de l'Homme | Scoop.it

Angela Merkel is beating the opposition Social Democrats at their own game by making pensioners and workers happy with policies designed to show she is committed to social equality. She wants to deprive the SPD of all ammunition ahead of her campaign for a third term in the 2013 election.

The incident occurred on the Friday before last. It was shortly before midday when the government spokesman lost his bearings. Steffen Seibert had unwittingly put himself in the line of fire...


>>>> ça s'appelle faire de la triangulation. "Avec cette acuité chafouine dans le regard qui dévoile la noirceur des vieux pins déchus, Angela et Nigolas, se tenant par les doigts, vinrent nous trianguler, vers 16h, après le goûter dans le parc" - François Moriach dans "Les cardinaux nous pompent" - Bordeaux 1942