Where Do e-Books Go When You Do? | Chronique des Droits de l'Homme | Scoop.it

To my dear children: No, I didn't leave you my Kindle. But I did leave you access to my e-books. It turns out that, yes, you can take it with you when you head for that great reading room in the sky. All my mourners will have to do is tuck my Kindle (and cable) into my casket and I’ll be set. Grave goods like these will be the envy of heaven or hell. Why should this work? Because, dear readers, your Kindle e-books never die so long as you keep your account open. They are immortal. I have this from the e-book seller’s mouth, even though it came out sort of sideways at first...


>>>> Source en français : http://www.actualitte.com/actualite/lecture-numerique/lecteurs-ebook/le-cimetiere-des-ebooks-inaccessible-aux-mortels-34080.htm